What is serial processing?

What is serial processing?

Think of a vocal chain as an electrical circuit.

Instead of using 1 plugin to do something such as compression, you use 2 compressors to do 2 different things. You do not want to do too much, but combined they give you a smoother sound with each instance shaping the vocal dynamics in different ways. If you are using analogue emulations both compressors have their own harmonic distortion which add their own frequency content. The subtler, the better. If you find that your dynamics of the vocal are inconsistent and find yourself over-compressing, try out this method.

The same can apply to equalisation. With subtractive eq I usually use a parametic equaliser, then with additive eq I always find myself using 2 Pultec emulations. Each adds harmonic distortion to the vocal and the high end sounds brighter without the added harshness.

Going back to compression, most professional sound engineers prefer an 11-76 compressor combined with a LA-2A in series. The 11-76 is best known for it's fast attack and release, this contains the louder parts of the vocal and make the vocal sound more "upfront" in the mix. The LA-2A is known for it's medium attack and release, bringing the whole vocal together. Combined these 2 make the vocal more consistent and allow it to cut through the mix.

Personally I prefer my 11-76 to do about 3-7db reduction (depending on the source) and my LA-2A dies no more than 1-2db reduction. I always go for a more natural sound and try not to do too much with one of the compressors. Of course you do not necessarily need these 2 types of compressors, you could use a normal compressor and try to make similar attack and release times for each.

Think of it like this:

1 compressor

2 compressors in series

2 compressors in series and an aux send

Examples :

                                            No compression

                                           11-76 type compression


                                           Serial compression

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The Mosh Turnout 


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